Marilyn, cont'd...
She first mentioned yoga publicly in 1956, according to The Subtle Body, a history of yoga culture in America, and she was pictured doing moves like boat pose and shoulder stand in a photo shoot as early as 1948. In a 1952 interview, she told Time Life she "couldn't stand exercise if I had to feel regimented about it." I couldn't agree more and when I discovered yoga I fell in love with my body.
Tao, cont'd...
Prior to her passing, Lynch taught a weekly class in New York, and also led programs across the country. According to usatoday, Porchon Lynch never missed teaching her students at the Fred Astaire Studio until she turned 101.
She learned ballroom dancing at age 87, and won over 750 first-place award as a competitive dancer. At 96, she displayed on NBC's American's Got Talent, winning a standing oviation from the show's judges.
Being the author, she wrote two bestselling books, including her audtobiography-Dancing Light: The Spiritual Side of being Through the Eyes of a Modern Yoga Master. It won her a 2016 IPPY Award and thre 2016 International Book Awards as well.
In the front matter endorsement, Deepak Chopra said, Lynch was one of the most acclaimed yoga teachers of our century. She's the mentor for him who embodies the spirit of yoga.