Kaiut Yoga has proven to be the most beneficial style of yoga for me and my students.
Developed by Francisco Kaiut in Brazil, Kaiut Yoga has revolutionized how we think about this ancient practice's application to present-day life styles. Unlike the current fitness-yoga trend, it focuses on the joints and the nervous system, restructuring the body from the inside out.
Practice online or in person, with groups, or through private instruction.

Kaiut Yoga Is for Everyone – No Exceptions
Kaiut yoga is a simple, accessible, and gentle way of healing the body and mind.
It's a proven method to rejuvenate your mobility and enhance the
adaptability of your nervous system.
Blending classic yoga with other therapeutic practices, the Kaiut Method adapts the ancient practice of yoga to the needs of modern human life. Positions function like complex leverage systems, operating bio-mechanically. Each position corresponds to the body’s needs, affecting one or several joints at the same time.
Kaiut Yoga is highly therapeutic, serving all types of bodies. Each class is created to increase freedom of movement and integration between mind and body. Each asana has a well-defined function that serves as a powerful anchor for the meditative state. Special attention is paid to safety in every pose.
Kaiut Yoga can relieve chronic pain and reduces anxiety, stress, and exhaustion, helping recover mobility lost to trauma or illness. Unlike more traditional methods that seek perfect positions, the Kaiut Method’s goal is to understand the needs of each student and adapt the poses to bring relief and results.
Kaiut Yoga acts directly on the parasympathetic nervous system, which deals with rest, repair, and restoration. This practice asks us to engage in a deeper conversation with our bodies, which can result in a deep and felt sense of Presence. This sense of Presence comes about naturally as we slow down and pay attention to the body with a more focused and receptive awareness. While we don’t place unreasonable demands on our joints or the body, this doesn't mean we bypass sensations that may be uncomfortable. What's required are wise attention and a willingness to meet our bodies where they are, without judgement.
This method is about kindness for oneself, not about struggling to gain and achieve perfect poses. Please save that for your gym or other workouts. This method is about aiding your nervous system with rest and repair for your joints and the areas where healing is most needed in your body-mind system. Kaiut Yoga allows restrictions to let go organically, naturally, allowing the joints to adapt and adjust to the various poses.

Francisco Kaiut and Kaiut Method
